SecureTech Web App Development Icons for webpages using Font-Awesome

Icons for webpages using Font-Awesome

At SecureTech, our staff have been creating websites since the early days of the web. When we first started building webpages (20+ years ago), it was rather difficult to put icons on webpages, as each icon required the developer (no such thing as web designers back then … ) to create it as an image and upload it into the site, before creating an <img> tag to insert it into the code. now, we can have icons for webpages using Font-Awesome, which is awesome (it had to be said…).

Font-Awesome allow the web-designer or developer to quickly insert some unicode to insert an icon, or use CSS to insert it wherever required after the development is done (provided the developer allowed for this by labelling each section of the HTML appropriately.

We needed a list of available icons in Font-Awesome and decided to create a list of the Font-Awesome icons on our website, to make it easier for others to use (but its mostly for us)

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