Handbrake is easy to install and update on many linux distro’s because it is available as a package and can be installed without having to compile from source, simply for this tutorial to learn how.
Handbrake install instructions for centos8 show that you have to install from source as well as installing all development tools, but there is an easier way … install from rpmfusion.
RPMFusion provides software that the Fedora project or Redhat don’t want to.
Before you progress any further, you need to enable EPEL in CentOS8
According to the RPMFusion configuration guide at time of writing, you need to do the following in a console to add the required settings to CentOS8:
sudo dnf install --nogpgcheck https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm
sudo dnf install --nogpgcheck https://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/el/rpmfusion-free-release-8.noarch.rpm
Next, you need to install Handbrake GUI
sudo dnf install HandBrake-gui
This will then try to resolve all the dependencies using the new RPMFusion repositories and should prompt to download approx 20MB of packages:
Install 22 Packages
Total size: 20 M
Total download size: 20 M
Installed size: 63 M
Is this ok [y/N]:
to run handbrake, type the following into a console: