SecureTech OpenSource YTS Backup Script

YTS Backup Script

Download YTS Backup Script

YTS_Backup_script.cmd is an easily customisable backup script for Windows

Through the use of .backup files, its easy to add extra directories or files to backup when run.

To setup, we need to extract the files from the ZIP into a directory.
once extracted, edit “YTS_Backup_script.cmd” file with Notepad++ or similar.

You will then need to setup your script location & backup directory location.

  • 1) Look for “set ScriptDir=D:\files\Projects\YTS_Backup_Scripts” and change it to suite your needs.
    NOTE: This Directory name needs to not have any spaces in it, or the script will fail.
  • 2) Look for “set ScriptDrive=D:” and change it to suite your needs.
  • 3) Look for “set BackupDir=C:\Backups\Manual” and change it to suite your needs.
  • 4) Look for “set BackupDrive=C:” and change it to suite your needs.
  • 5) Open “mydocs.bac” with notepad++ by double clicking on the file, and associating with notepad++.
    Edit this File to your needs. the file contains only two lines.
    Line1 is the source file or directory for xcopy to use.
    Line2 is the destination file or directory for xcopy to use.
    NOTE: do not add extra lines to this file, as this will break the script. two lines only.
  • 6) Open “Outlook.bac” with notepad++
    Edit this File to your needs.
    to add more files to your backup, simply change add another .bac file to the script directory and enter the details correctly.

Download YTS_Backup_script

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